New Jersey MLS Listings: $249

The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is the real estate market, and 95% of all homes for sale are on MLS. MLS listings appear on all the major real estate websites including, Zillow, Trulia, Yahoo and hundreds more. 99% of all serious buyers use these websites and/or real estate agents to find a home.

Your typical Realtor will want to charge you 6% to list your home, which is split with the agent who brings the buyer. Under our program, you avoid the 3% listing fee, and just pay our $149 listing fee plus 3%.

Example: $500,000 home

  • $249 + $15,000 (3%) = $15,249
  • 6% = $30,000
  • Savings = $14,751

Your MLS Listing Includes:

  • 6 Month Local MLS Listing
  • 6 Month listing on Realtor, Zillow, Trulia and all other websites
  • Maximum allowed Photos on MLS and all other websites
  • Buyer leads forwarded to you!