Article Archive
- DOJ launches real estate competition Web siteNew U.S. Department of Justice web site features commission charts, maps, agency reports and more, that make it clear that commission agents are overpaid. The Federal Government is obviously in favor of what is doing!
- The Realtor® RacketWall Street Journal article about how the Real Estate industry has been keeping real estate commissions up, limiting consumer choices, and influencing legislation to help its cause and force consumers to pay more for real estate services.
- Tax relief granted for forgiven debt, private mortgage insuranceIRS won’t count as income debt forgiven by lenders when troubled borrowers negotiate short sales or workouts on their primary residence that involve forgiveness of part of their debt.
- Fraud and corruption by Realtor® Trade AssociationsReport submitted to the FTC and Dept of Justice by one of the nation’s top antitrust lawyers, David Barry.
- Flat-fee brokers may put pressure on traditional commissionsResearcher finds that “full-service” 6% listings don’t sell faster or for more money than flat-fee listings; and that real estates are more interested in their commissions than in getting their sellers the best prices.
- Real estate fees inflated by $30 billionAEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies suggests that consumers would benefit most from fee-for-service real estate companies that base compensation on flat fees, hourly fees and other specific payments for services rather than relying on a commission rate that is based on a percentage of the sale price of a home.
- Unbundling the Real Estate Transaction: Providing fee-based services as a real estate consultantby Julie Garton-Good, DREI, GRIAn excellent article intended for real estate agents, explaining why the commission system of charging for services is out-dated, and how the industry is changing and giving buyers and sellers more options.
- Cut-rate realty: Commissions pressured beyond discountingHow Savvy buyers & sellers tap new business models for more savings on real estate commisssions.
- Why You Should NEVER list with a 6% BrokerThe Truth About Traditional 6% Real Estate Agents